Optimizing your site for Google+

When Google rolled out Google+ a couple weeks ago, being the fanboy that I am (according to others), I quickly set up my profile. And then, being the self-promoter that I am (according to myself), I began trying to optimize my site content for sharing within the service. Having spent time earlier this year on […]


Announcing Shopdeck

Outside of an iPad purchase, you probably have a lot of purchases you’ve made online. And from those purchases, you have receipts from them in your email client. Email’s great, but those receipts compete for attention with email from your mom, friends, colleagues, etc. which makes them hard to find when you’re trying to look […]

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PayPal X’s Innovate ’09 conference

I just posted a recap of the PayPal X Innovate 2009 conference on the Yahoo! Developer Network blog, walking through a couple highlights of the event. PayPal’s new APIs offer more means of handling transactions within an Application. It will be interesting to see what types of products begin to emerge using these new tools.


Yahoo.com Opens Up

Nearly 5 years ago, I joined Yahoo! to work on its “Front Doors” effort: a re-imagining of its starting points (i.e. Yahoo.com, Yahoo! Search, My Yahoo!, and Yahoo! Toolbar). My work inside since has woven through several products and teams, but there is a consistent theme: working on products and platforms that expand the capabilities […]

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Laaker Joins Yahoo! Developer Network

(Sunnyvale, CA) – While some had already heard the news via a LinkedIn profile update, Micah Laaker today officially announced his joining of the Yahoo! Developer Network. Laaker is joining YDN to build and lead the new user experience group for the team. The Sunnyvale-based company, now 10+ years old, began as the web’s Yellow […]

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