Mr. Laaker Releases Underground Hip-Hop Album as Gift
(New York) – In what he termed a “gift to humanity” and others referred to as a “musical monstrosity,” Micah Laaker released “his” Christmas album, entitled “A Hot Boys Christmas.”
Siding with the old adage, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” Mr. Laaker decided to link up with current rap superstars The Hot Boys to create his mass Christmas card/present. By using his laptop, Mr. Laaker laced his vocals throughout the actual album. “‘A Hot Boys Christmas,'” he said, “is, what I believe to be, as close as truly possible, the Hot Boys’ original artistic aspirations. Obviously, politics at the record label prevented the Hot Boys from releasing tracks as rugged and hot as these.”
Others did not seem to share Mr. Laaker’s views on the beauty of the new tracks. “Man, you’re crazy,” “What could possibly make you think to create this?,” and “That dude’s really out there. I think he’s got issues,” were several of the many pained comments offered upon first listen. Many of the recipients expressed zero interest in downloading the musical files (which were distributed exclusively online), while others expressed regret for ignoring their similar initial misgivings.
Mr. Laaker was noted to be “very proud” of this endeavor, as well as his photo-manipulation efforts to incorporate his “mug” into the album cover’s artwork.
The cover of Mr. Laaker’s Christmas present. (View larger image.)