Mr. Laaker Gets Chumped on April Fools’ Day

(Kansas City, MO) April Fools’ Day found itself a bitter, bitter day for area resident Micah Laaker. After having spent many hours plotting an ingenious "boy who cried wolf" strategy, Mr. Laaker was foiled by his coworkers in what many dubbed "the chickens coming home to roost."

According to office snitch Ken Wilson, Mr. Laaker placed two calls to a good-humored, new employee named Joy Kuhl implying that her car was being towed. Not getting the reaction hoped for, Mr. Laaker and friends then "brilliantly" devised a way of moving her car using "her own car keys." Not wanting to take liability for any damages, the group then conspired to "encourage" another coworker to move the car.

This idea was met with very little resistance.

After the car was moved out of the parking lot and up the street, the tension began to mount. Comments of respect were showered on Mr. Laaker for his dastardly planning, such as "Ohhhhhhh… you are gonna be SOOOOO busted" and "Sometimes you go to far." As these comments were a daily occurrence, no attention was paid them.

Several hours passed, lunchtime came and went, and Mrs. Kuhl was yet to find out her car was missing. The tension was "about normal for such insensitivities," according to office "otter" Billy "Bobo" Maday.

As 3 p.m. approached, Ken Wilson alerted Mr. Laaker to the presence of two uniformed police officers in the hallway with Mrs. Kuhl. Instantly suspecting devilish deeds a transpiring, Mr. Laaker was heard by several sources to say, "Oh, they’re just pulling your leg. It’s a joke." However, when the officers began making Mrs. Kuhl fill out paperwork because her car "had been stolen by an area resident and wrecked on the Broadway bridge," Mr. Laaker began to perspire. Quick-witted, he dashed through the back gate to verify Mrs. Kuhl’s car placement, only to be alarmed at its absence.

Upon returning to the office, Mr. Laaker heard the sounds of guffaws and giggling. Mr. Kuhl and his fellow officer had, upon the request of his wife, executed that day’s best devised April Fools’ Day joke.

Sources later confirmed that tattletale Dave Stewart had spilled the beans to Mrs. Kuhl earlier in hopes of looking like a "hero." Sadly, Mr. Stewart only strengthened his nickname, "Benedict Arnold," given after the infamous Tea Time Tattlings of last January. Surprisingly, also involved in the cover-up was "BoBo" Maday.

Fitting retaliation has yet to be determined.


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