Analysis of (and APIs for) We Rule and We Farm actions

For anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure to rock either of ngmoco:)’s great iPhone/iPad game titles, We Rule and We Farm, this post will make little sense.

We Rule icon We Farm icon If, however, you are a fan of the “Farmville in medieval times” and the “Farmville in, well, Farmville times” game titles that are all the rage with the kids (and Jimmy Fallon), I have compiled some data that may help you make some educated decisions in-game. Namely, I’ve attempted to compile the earning ratios of both crops and buildings (the two revenue- and experience-generating facets of the games) so as to minimize the time I needed to spend to jump levels. And now I’ve opened that data up in hopes that its of help to someone else playing the game.

Please note, however, that none are complete, largely due to the fact that I’m a casual player of these games. (As of writing this, I am level 27 in We Rule and level 11 in We Farm, both of which have levels going well into the 30s, I believe..) As such, I can see that there are levels I haven’t achieved, but I can’t fill in the details until I get there. (Are you already there at the finish line? Then please skip to the end of this post to see how you can help.)

For any developers out there interested in leveraging this data in their apps, too, you can grab (and query and filter) the entire data set using YQL (Yahoo! Query Language). (After recently reading Christian Heilmann‘s fantastic “How to Create a Web Service in a Matter of Minutes,” particularly the “Turning an Editable Data Set into a Web Service” section, I knew I had a great project worth testing against his example.)

Just run these queries thru YQL, and you’re off and running.

Frustrated that this isn’t comprehensive? Care to enhance the data? It’s all available in a large Google Docs spreadsheet. Chip in, and help refine the data set. (Even better? It’s already got 2 sheets waiting for We City to drop.)

Lastly, if you’re looking for someone else to add to your collectives in these games, I’m “mlaaker” in both games.


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