Disdain for Bananas Subject of Public Discourse

(New York City) – Micah Laaker’s dislike of bananas became the subject of the conversation several times during a recent trip to Brooklyn. During a visit to New York’s Coney Island for the infamous Mermaid Parade, Mr. Laaker’s cohorts seemed to find any available avenue to reintroduce the banana-hating remark.

Early in the journey to the parade, Mr. Laaker mentioned his hate for the slimy fruit, popularized in the 80s by the Fruit of the Loom ads. Never one to let popular culture (or ‘drawls’ spokes-characters) persuade him, Mr. Laaker openly refused a kindly offered banana. His fellow travelers, amazed at his act of defiance, began inquiring about the rationale for this rejection. Explaining that "bananas is nasty," Mr. Laaker wowed the train-trapped audience with his vivid comparisons of bananas to other disgusting objects.

Following this explanation, Mr. Laaker was bombarded with taunts and jests about his banana-hating. Mr. Laaker’s cavaliere attitude helped him maintain stature throughout the attack, although his hatred for the fruit was noted to be at an all-time high after the trip.


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